Victor Greto CV Journalist, Writer and Editor


SKILLS: Experienced editor and creator of story ideas. Proficient and reliable deadline reporter on all subjects; go-to writer for breaking news stories; excellent interviewing skills; comprehensive reporter and writer of feature and profile stories. Skilled in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, as well as working on content management systems.



I have written many freelance pieces for magazines, newspapers and websites.

Keynote Speaker at the Delaware Press Association’s annual Awards Banquet, and spoke about the state of journalism.


Associate Professor of Multimedia Communication and History

Chair of Multimedia Communication, 2016-2019; member of departments of Multimedia Communication and History. Began with split appointment as an assistant professor in Media Arts and Political Science for first three years, and from 2011-2014 was Associate Professor of Media Arts.

Faculty Convener and Chair of Academic Affairs Committee, responsible for facilitating full faculty meetings, scheduling and running meetings that decided academic policy, and relaying information to faculty, 2013-2015

Presented original media research at three different conferences, 2013-2015

Advised the school’s newspaper, The Whetstone, 2008-2021

Classes taught: Writing for Media, Journalism, Media & Culture, Media Law, The Social Good (Honors class), History of the Mass Media, College Writing, Literature for Composition, Gangsters & Media Censorship, It’s a Conspiracy, Introduction to History, Modern Europe, Early Modern Europe, Modern Russia, U.S. History I, Civil War and Reconstruction, Ancient History, College Writing II (Honors), American Politics, The American Constitution, The Presidency, The Congress, Public Policy, Politics and Media in Film and Literature, and Media Politics.


Conducted yearly presentations at the Associated College Press/College Media Association National College Media Conventions throughout the country, including Dallas, San Francisco, Washington DC, Louisville, Austin, San Diego, Boston, New York, and Nashville.

Conducted Multi-disciplinary Research Project – D’Antonio, A., Greto, V. & Barnhardt, J., Student Technology, Media-Use and Psychological Correlates: Ego-control, Ego-resiliency, Anxiety and Social Connectedness.

Wesley College closed May 2021


General Assignment Reporter, Features/Metro: General Assignment reporter responsible for developing and writing stories on different aspects of Delaware life, including politics, health care, higher education, law enforcement, state government and growth.

Feature and Profile Writer: I specialize in writing major Sunday Life profiles of “movers and shakers” in Delaware, as well as profiles of several authors. Other stories include “think” or “perspective” pieces.


First Place, Delaware Press Association Communication Contest, Profile, A Poet and How She Works.

Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Features by the Delaware News Journal for I Can’t Take Care Of You Anymore

First Place, Delaware Press Association Communication Contest, Feature Story, I Can’t Take Care of You Anymore

First Place, Delaware Press Association Communication Contest, Personality Profile, New Rules of Engagement

First Place, Chesapeake Associated Press Mark Twain Award, Outstanding Feature Story, The Man Within

First Place, Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association, 4-part series, The Delaware River

Best of Gannett Cultivator Award, First recipient of Gannett’s monthly  award for series of stories on caregiving


General Assignment Reporter: General Assignment and beat reporter responsible for developing stories. Developed and wrote feature stories and personal columns for the Lifestyle section.

Some A1 stories included article on the state of archaeology in South Florida, Census stories, women as a majority of students in South Florida colleges, and a double-homicide. Chosen for a special three-month assignment working with the Sunday/Projects editor in late 2001, producing stories on the Sept. 11 attack, as well as a series on interracial relationships. As a member of the Sun-Sentinel’s 2000 U.S. Census project team, helped plan, develop and execute a series of stories.

Received the paper’s monthly award in April 2000 for best feature story about near-drowning injuries in children; in March 2001 for enterprise reporting about a 13-year-old who died as a result of a heroin overdose; in June 2001 for commentary; and in December 2001 for my series about interracial relationships

THE GAZETTE, Colorado Springs, CO

Project and Feature Writer: Developed stories for the weekly Lifestyles Relationships and Religion sections and in-depth enterprise and breaking news stories for the front page and Metro sections. Received the Society of Professional Journalists Award for a series of stories on local diaries.

Section Editor: Supervised development and first year of Our Town, a weekly Metro front chronicling daily life in Colorado Springs. Duties included story development; assignments; editing; training of reporters, and coordination of art and design.


Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Wesley College Faculty


Master of Arts in History.

COLORADO COLLEGE, Colorado Springs, CO

Bachelor of Arts in English: Distinction in English; Cum Laude

Member of Phi Beta Kappa